Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New Year Wish for 2009
2) Strike more 4D during year 2009.
3) Buying a new set of 50 inch LCD TV with the WiFi Home Theater System for my Room so that there is no wires flying around my room.
4) Getting my car license soon as i dun wan to use my parent money. If not i wont take it seriously.
5) Getting into Uni NUS or NTU doesn't matter.
6) Buying more jig-saw puzzle to decorate my room.
7) Get a PS3, Wii and I-Phone.
8) Wish everyone to have a good health.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Nice riddles from Might and Magic
*Spoiler answer will be post in the comment so try your best to solve it before looking at the answers.
Here goes the riddles from Might & Magic:
1) I have a Head. I have a Tail. But I haven't got a Body.
2) What has teeth but doesn't eat?
3) What is a bull called when it is sleeping?
4) It's a part of Heaven, though it touches the Earth. Some say it's valuable, others say no worth.
5) I am so simple, that I can only point. Yet I guide men all over the world.
6) What three letters make a man of a boy?
7) What pine has the longest and sharpest needles?
8) What crosses the river but doesn't move?
9) What runs smoother than any rhyme, loves to fall but cannot climb!
10) What is made of wood but has never been cut?
11) What has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up, up, it goes, and yet never grows?
12) What can go all over the world when stuck in one corner?
13) What gets heavier the more it dries?
14) Great as a house, strong as a giant, walking mountain, ears like sails.
15) I am a box with no corner or side. I hold a golden treasure inside. What am I?
16)If all colors of light come together, what color light do you get?
17) What is always too late?
18) Sometimes I wave, sometimes I itch. I can grow very tall. I can be crossed with gold. What am I?
19) I am nothing, yet I have value. What am I?
20) You can play with me but... I can suck your blood!
21) Who has a hat but no head, a foot but no shoe?
22) Which fruit has seeds outside the flesh?
23)What do a trumpet and a car engine have in common?
24) I have many keys but usually only two or three locks. What am I?
25) I have legs but can't walk, and a top but no bottom. What am I?
26) A human and a cave have me in common.
27) What is usually placed on a wall, but also is found in one's mouth?
28)What do humans and gears have in common?
29) No matter where I go, I'm always close to home. Wherever I go, I always leave a silver trail behind me.
30) An untiring servant it is, carrying loads across the muddy earth. But one thing that cannot be forced is a return to the place of its birth.
31) This engulfing thing is strange indeed. The greater it grows, the less you see.
32) I can be clean which isn't seen' I can be dirty and make you scurry. I can make you dead or alive!
33) Who (or what) knows all languages?
34) I look down on you, but I do not notice if you look back. Though no embarrassment or shame befalls ones I gaze upon, still all become flushed eventually when I do so.
35) What got four wings, but cannot fly?
36) I am used to "work" a circle, though some like to eat me. What am I?
37) I go round and round to eat my tail. I go real well with a wedding veil. What am I?
38) I am the only number who's spelling is in alphabetical order. What am I?
39) What is a door when it's not a door?
40) What is so bright in the day and very far away?
41) What is between the sea of night and the land of day?
42) What turns everything around but does not move?
43) Voiceless it cries, wingless it flutters, lifeless it dies, bodiless it shudders. What is it?
44) Glitters, but is not gold, harder then stone.
45) You'll never touch it, but it will follow you, get ahead of you or be right next to you?
46) What has ears but cannot hear?
47) What goes up and down but never moves?
48) Turn us on our backs and open our stomachs, you will be the wisest of men, though at the start a lummox. What am I?
49) What passes by and never stops?
50) You peel away the outside, then cook the inside. Then you eat the outside, and throw away the inside. What is it?
51) What has an eye open but never sees?
52) What cannot be seen but only heard, and will not speak until spoken to?
53) What is always coming but never arrives?
54) I once could see, but now I'm blind. I could speak, but I am silent. Now I'm just white and empty.
55) Completely round is fairly rare.
Bright and shiny when I'm there.
When I'm not, they call me new.
But I'm old. Older than you.
56) There was a round green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What is it?
57) What is something that fades and go over time but some of its residue will always remain?
58) A long snake with a stinging bite, I stay coiled up unless I must fight.
59) What has no beginning and no end?
60) What Rooms can't you Enter?
61) What is not enough for one, Just right for two, Too much for three?
62) What runs around the whole yard without moving?
63) What falls but never gets hurt?
64) It has a mouth but does not speak, has a bed but never sleeps.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Too Xiong Too Furious
Advanced Wafer Fabrication Technology (AWFT) = Always Wait For Tips
IC Layout (ICL) = I Ci Liao 我 死 了 (in hokkien)
Microelectronic Test System (MTS) = Mad Testing Subjects
Fundamentals of Control System (FCS) = Fuck Course Session
World Issuses: Singapore Perspective (WISP) = Wash In Shit Please
Customer Service Communication (CSC) = Customer Sure Cry
More and more miniproject to do..............
Never ending of layout drawing.................
Never ending of task given.........................
Lesser and lesser time for me to sleep and exercise,
Everyday staying back in school till at least 9+ to 10+ to do labs/miniprojects and the software being use can ONLY be access in the school network. (Pain in the Ass software!!!)
The most thing is I am stuck with a very unique member which OMG feel like smacking him everytime i see him dun know how to write a report nvm, ask him go follow some rules regarding about layout backside ichy dun wan follow end up the whole team got to waste 1 day doing nothing for ICL because of him and like anyhow give comment and talk on some no link rubbish topics. Can u imagine that he in being stuck in my team for ICL and MTS 2 fatal modules that required alot of team work.............. and after all everyone layout got to combine up into 1 piece for the final project. I dun wan because of 1 RETARD person that will ruin my result of the 2 modules.
MTS miniproject is due next week only ( given only 1week)
FCS is due on thursday (OMG have not even start)
AWFT is like reading some dead book.
2 Xiong 2 Furious......
Monday, November 3, 2008
ah jing wedding dinner
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Busy week
Monday, October 13, 2008
Dinner at Marina Square
Finally found my Thai Express, I was afraid of sitting beside aunty Cassandra lo and i stood there hoping that someone will go sit beside her and she looked at me saying "Why i will eat u up izzit why dun dare to come in sit with me" haha den bo bian go in sit. Before the food come, we had alittle chat about the village we went and gossip about some other stuff. I cant remember who brought up the F1 races and everyone start talking about cars and the safety measure for the drivers like checking for blind spot etc. Haha this was where i got beat up by my aunty haha i said " Driver check for their blind spot and so pedestrian oso nid to check for their blind spot for short aunty so as not to bang onto them". It was kinda painful sia tio beaten up by her, small small size with great strength like Greek Hero Hercules so pity for those kid in the child care centre she working in haha everytime tio abuse. After dinner we drove cars down to ECP for some alcohol drinks brought by Mr Tan. The Brandy was nice hehe we drink quite alot heng got no TP to check on us if not all sure tio for drink and drive. Looking forward for the next gathering @.@
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Room keeping
Yesterday & Today Single album
Fukai Mori Album
Come to think of it, i started to listen to japan pop song from secondary 1 the year1997.
It started off with this super duper nice anime call Ranma 1/2 (a martial art guy that will transform into a gal when he touch cold water and turn back to a guy when touch hot water) and Gundam Wing (5 teen piloting 5 different gundam to save the earth and universe, this was the best series in all the GUNDAM story). Watching anime lead me to
- Listening to japan pop song due the opening/end songs of each series of anime.
- Listening to instrumental background music playback during the shows. Background music plays a very big part in all show as it express some feeling which cant be say by words and action. By listening to the BGM it make me feel relax, happy, sad, sense of fighting spirit and all sort of emotion. Up till now the best BGM i ever heard were Inuyasha, 3x3 eyes, Xenosaga series, Hack//Sign, shenmue, chrono cross, kingdom hearts, and Final Fantasy series compose by various famous artist like Kaoru Wada 和田 薫, Yoko Shimomura 下村 陽子, Yasunori Mitsuda 光田 康典,Nobuo Uematsu 植松 伸夫.
- Drawing of anime characters and visual arts.
Thus this began my interest into japan pop, anime, drama and their lifestyle. Anime start poisoning me until now, my parents keep scolding me by saying "so childish dun know what's your brain thinking, so big liao still like a kid watching cartoon" everytime i hear them say this line it make me so mad, i have been tell them that it was not CARTOON it was anime and they do not know the art in anime. Oh well no matter how hard i try to tell them they wont get the picture damn it their brain are harder than diamond still living in stone age. I watch all sort of anime u name it i watch it, almost gonna see finish all le.
Friday, September 26, 2008
More photo from the wedding dinner


Sunday, September 21, 2008
Story of a cat and cock ( Rooster)
Therefore anyone know the moral of this story?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Jeffrey's wedding dinner
congrzt to jeffrey choo married le. It was a wonderful evening, get to see back all my navy friends. Now everyone are so senior le onboard the battle ships and i still can remember during our training time all of us were still junior time pass really fast. The couples were so sweet in the dinner haha but of they cant siam our mixing of wines and beers and jeffrey face was so red like a red apple. Put up some photo on the wedding dinner i took and more to come when i get from the camera man.